Philosophy of Education
The educational philosophy of Timberlake Christian Schools is based upon the Biblical view of truth and man as set forth in the Bible. The verbally inspired Word of God in its truthfulness and completeness is the only criterion–the supreme and final authority for faith and practice, and therefore, is the starting point of all rational inquiry and the guide to all interpretation of reality (2 Peter 1:19-21; 2 Timothy 3:16). The Bible is the source of the principles determining other subjects and the way in which they are taught. The presentation of Biblical truth is thus not confined to a single segment of the curriculum--the study of the Bible--but is integrated throughout the teaching of all subjects. This facet of TCS makes us unique among most schools in our community.
Man, created in God’s image (Genesis 1:26-27), and for fellowship with Him (Revelation 4:11), fell through disobedience to his Creator. His rebellion against God (Genesis 3) brought all mankind under the dominion of sin with all humans being born essentially sinful (Romans 5:12). God provided for the restoration of His image in man through His Son, the God-Man, Jesus Christ (I Timothy 3:16). He came into the world to redeem mankind by His substitutionary death on the cross and the shedding of His blood (I Peter 2:24; Luke 19:10; Romans 3:24-26; Hebrews 9:22). His bodily resurrection proved Him to be the Son of God (Romans 1:4) with power to save all who come to God by Him (Hebrews 7:25).
Man, created in God’s image (Genesis 1:26-27), and for fellowship with Him (Revelation 4:11), fell through disobedience to his Creator. His rebellion against God (Genesis 3) brought all mankind under the dominion of sin with all humans being born essentially sinful (Romans 5:12). God provided for the restoration of His image in man through His Son, the God-Man, Jesus Christ (I Timothy 3:16). He came into the world to redeem mankind by His substitutionary death on the cross and the shedding of His blood (I Peter 2:24; Luke 19:10; Romans 3:24-26; Hebrews 9:22). His bodily resurrection proved Him to be the Son of God (Romans 1:4) with power to save all who come to God by Him (Hebrews 7:25).
According to God’s Word, parents are responsible for their children’s education (Genesis 18:19; Deuteronomy 6:5-7; Proverbs 22:6; Ephesians 6:4; II Timothy 1:5;3:15). It follows that the education of the children is the prerogative of the parents or church members (Romans 13:7; Luke 20:25). In order to reinforce the educational ministries of the home and church, Christians may elect to form a Christian school. Although the school supports the home, it is subordinate to the church in its position of responsibility and authority. The Christian school acts in loco parentis, or in the place of a parent, as an extension of and partnered with the Christian home and church.
The Christian’s highest purpose is to glorify God (Colossians 1:15-17). The Christian school can best fulfill this purpose by helping students develop Christlikeness in both character and action after their salvation. Growth in godliness proceeds step by step from rebirth toward full maturity “in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ” (II Timothy 3:17; II Peter 1:5-8).
For the students’ spiritual development (I Samuel 2:26; Luke 2:52), the schools seek to see all students come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. We then encourage students to strive to develop Christlikeness, resulting in holiness of character (1 Peter 1:16) and a Biblical worldview. The means by which these goals are accomplished are:
For the students’ academic or intellectual development (I Samuel 2:26; Luke 2:52), the schools endeavor to maintain high academic standards and thorough instruction, not as ends in themselves but as a means of improving and equipping students as servants of God and as preparation to fulfill God’s will for their lives, which may include successfully competing at higher levels of education and training. The means by which these goals are accomplished are:
For the students’ personal and social development (I Samuel 2:26; Luke 2:52), the schools help the student to develop a proper understanding of himself or herself as a unique individual created in God’s image as well as to refine their God-given abilities. The means by which these goals are accomplished are:
For the students’ physical development (I Samuel 2:26; Luke 2:52), the schools encourage the students to maintain physical fitness, good health habits and God-honoring use of the body as the temple of God. The means by which these goals are accomplished are:
For each student’s home (Deuteronomy 6:5-7), the school fulfills the role of reinforcing godly principles taught at home and at church, but not usurping the role of either. The means by which these goals are accomplished are:
- providing regular chapel services and special preaching times as well as accountability groups;
- maintaining daily Bible classes that include Scripture memory and personal application of spiritual principles;
- offering mission emphases, trips, outreach opportunities, and other opportunities for students to use their abilities in service;
- giving daily exposure to Biblically integrated teaching; and
- providing godly examples through Christian faculty and staff.
For the students’ academic or intellectual development (I Samuel 2:26; Luke 2:52), the schools endeavor to maintain high academic standards and thorough instruction, not as ends in themselves but as a means of improving and equipping students as servants of God and as preparation to fulfill God’s will for their lives, which may include successfully competing at higher levels of education and training. The means by which these goals are accomplished are:
- providing quality instruction that includes a variety of teaching methods and an awareness of the individual needs of students;
- challenging students to think critically;
- offering college preparatory classes;
- honoring students with strong academic records;
- providing scholastic competitions in various subject areas; and
- maintaining teacher certification and growth.
For the students’ personal and social development (I Samuel 2:26; Luke 2:52), the schools help the student to develop a proper understanding of himself or herself as a unique individual created in God’s image as well as to refine their God-given abilities. The means by which these goals are accomplished are:
- providing a continual emphasis upon the goal of service and a provision in the program for instruction in skills and disciplines that equip for service (Mark 10:45);
- giving daily training in godly habits and personal responsibility;
- encouraging and requiring a mutual respect among all students, faculty, and administration;
- employing various systems of discipline to help students develop and maintain their own restraint and discipline; and
- offering various opportunities for social interaction among students.
For the students’ physical development (I Samuel 2:26; Luke 2:52), the schools encourage the students to maintain physical fitness, good health habits and God-honoring use of the body as the temple of God. The means by which these goals are accomplished are:
- providing regular and varied physical education;
- giving health instruction with principles based on God’s Word;
- maintaining an athletic program with interscholastic competition at various levels;
- expecting and promoting sportsmanship and Christlike attitudes during physical activities of any kind; and
- offering a nutritious food service.
For each student’s home (Deuteronomy 6:5-7), the school fulfills the role of reinforcing godly principles taught at home and at church, but not usurping the role of either. The means by which these goals are accomplished are:
- cooperating closely with parents in every part of their child’s development, particularly as it relates to the programs of the school;
- helping students to understand the mission and purpose of the school;
- aiding families in spiritual growth and building Christ-centered homes; and
- encouraging regular attendance and involvement in a local church.