The Arts
Our art program includes Kindergarten through High School and is centered on teaching a broad range of artists and art techniques. The goal is to allow each grade level, over the course of the school year, to use each of the media available as appropriate. Our school year culminates with an art display in the spring. Each student will be represented by two or more masterpieces that were created during that school year.
"The ability to sing is a gift from God. In addition to teaching vocal and choral skills, my aim is to see this group of young people used of God to touch lives. I know that music will be a part of their lives forever, and that brings me great joy! Our ministry opportunities include singing in chapels, visiting adult care centers, singing in church services, and singing and performing in Broadway musicals. We usually have sold out performances in the spring musical so get your tickets early when they become available."
Our music department consists of elementary music, middle school choir (Trebles) and high school choir. These groups perform both at school and in the community.
In the Fine Arts Department, TCS provides music education for students in Kindergarten through 12th grade. Music is a weekly class for all elementary students. Choir is offered as an elective, in grades 6 through 12. Students participate in weekly music classes. These culminate in school concerts, and programs at local churches and in the community. 6-12 grade students also have the opportunity to perform in a spring musical as part of the choir classes. Past musicals include, Madagascar, Peter Pan, Beauty and the Beast, Sound of Music, Music Man, Annie, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, among others.
In the Fine Arts Department, TCS provides instrumental music education for students in second through twelfth grades. Keyboard is offered, beginning in grade 2. Band is offered, beginning in grade 4. Students progress from the beginning level through intermediate and advanced skill levels. In addition to school concerts, students also perform with other Christian School musicians at the American Independent Music Association’s District Festivals. Advanced musicians may audition for the A.I.M.A. All-state Honors Band Performance Tour in the spring.