To ensure the quality of instruction for all students and a minimum level of student proficiency in core areas of language arts and math, TCS uses Minimum Competency Tests (MCT) in select grades. Teachers will give cumulative tests during the school year to help students and parents track student progress in these subjects each of the first three marking periods. If a student is struggling with subject matter, limited tutoring may be available before, during, or after school. Parents may obtain additional tutoring if they so desire. At the year’s end, students will take a final cumulative test in language arts and mathematics. If a student fails the test, he or she may have to do remedial work (tutoring or summer school) during the summer and take the test again before the following school year begins or follow another appropriate course of action as designated by the teacher. If an elementary student or middle school student (grades 3 – 8) fails to make a passing score the second time the test is given, the student will need to continue with remedial help and maintain a C- average in that subject. If a secondary student (grades 9 – 12) fails to achieve a passing score after taking the test a second time, he or she will have to retake the class that fall or follow another appropriate course of action as designated by the teacher.